With 2 emailgroups we had kit-swaps. Everybody who joined the swap made a kit with the material and description for all the other swap-members. I have a box full of kits, and now and than I take one out of the box and make it. Here are pictures of the kits I have already finished.

A pop-up book - Ria G

Pillow - Melissa
The original pillow was 1:24, but I made it 1:12.

Rapunzel's Tower - Thea J

Things for a baby - Gezna

Daisy's - Diana

Roof-tiles - Clazina

Little mosaic-table - Irene

Birdpuppet - Lia
She used my own workshop for this kit :-)

Gardenrackcat - Ira

Bell-pull - Margriet van L

Coat-rack and umbrallastand - Ria van W

Hat - Elsje

Tray - Sandra

Notice-board - Jenny

To more kits

© Jolande's Mini Fantasy